Caution: Federal (US) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician or a licensed healthcare practitioner trained and certified in its use. Laser-assisted hatching and laser-assisted biopsy are not recommended for use in all IVF patients. Please Note: For animal research and human stem cell applications, the HT Research Lasers should be used.
300 mW Laser Power and ONE Microsecond Pulse Length
The LYKOS and ZILOS-tk feature a 300 mW laser and a pulse length as low as 1 microsecond, which is far lower than typical zona ablation procedures require.
Hands-free Laser Firing
When working with micromanipulators, the ZILOS-tk and LYKOS allow you to work in “hands-free” mode by using the optional foot switch to fire the laser. Simply use the manipulators to position the embryo to the target and press the foot switch to fire the laser. Your micromanipulation proceeds rapidly and the time the embryo spends on the microscope stage is minimised.
Free Your Microscope Ports
The HT lasers leave both the fluorescent light port and the filter cube port open for normal use (OOsight® compatible). Other laser systems use one of these ports to install their laser, which can interfere with full microscope functionality. The HT lasers are the only laser systems which don’t require removal of the laser to use fluorescence.
No Physical Laser Alignment by End-User is Needed
The ZILOS-tk and LYKOS lasers are physically aligned under strictly controlled conditions at the factory and locked in place, so you do not have to perform tedious alignment procedures on-site. Simply position the computer generated target to the laser spot and you are ready to go!
Simple Installation
Simply attach the laser-objective to the microscope turret and you are ready to go! Each laser comes with a variety of turret adapters to allow installation on all major models of inverted microscopes.

Digital Color Camera – Seamless Video Transfer to Monitor!
The digital camera available with both the desktop and laptop laser system offers a seamless stream of video from camera to monitor:
- No jerky motion or image delay
- No need to resize image window to reduce delay<
- Video refresh rate not slowed down by graphic overlay
Unmatched Portability
For a complete laser system, including full featured software and computer, the portability of the laser laptop configuration can’t be beat. All laser components fit into a custom designed carry case, which offers both protection and easy transport. Combine this with a laptop unit and a small digital camera, and you can literally walk out the door with a “ZILOS-tk or LYKOS To Go!”

Choice of Computer
Based on your need for bench space and portability, the LYKOS or ZILOS-tk may be configured with either a desktop or laptop computer.