BoviDilute Articles & References

A comparison of BoviPure and Percoll on bull sperm separation protocols for IVF.

Samardzija M, Karadjole M, Matkovic M, Cergolj M, Getz I, Dobranic T, Tomaskovic A, Petric J, Surina J, Grizelj J, Karadjole T.

Anim Reprod Sci. 2006 Feb;91(3-4):237-47

Effects of bovine spermatozoa preparation on embryonic development in vitro.

Samardzija M et al

Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2006 Nov 13;4 (1):58 17101040

Retained Functional Integrity of Bull Spermatozoa after Double Freezing and Thawing Using PureSperm® Density Gradient Centrifugation.

WMC Maxwell 1 , I Parrilla 2 , I Caballero 2 , E Garcia 2 , J Roca 2 , EA Martinez 2 , JM Vazquez 2 and D Rath 3

Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2007 Oct, Volume 42 Issue 5, Pages 489 – 494

Develompent of Procedures for Sex-Sorting Frozen-Thawed Bovine Spermatozoa.

Underwood et al

Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2009 Jun;44(3):460-6. Epub 2008 Nov 2

BoviPure Pro

Effect of Density Gradient Centrifugation with Trypsin on the Fertilizing Capability of Bovine Sperm .

B. A. Blevins, M. de la Rey and N. M. Loskutoff

Reproduction, Fertility and Development 2008;20(7): 784 – 8